Nursery is a huge step for any three-year-old. Marking, as it does, a milestone in a child’s independence. Structured learning provides opportunities to boost personal, physical and social development as children are challenged to start making decisions for themselves and think about the reasons for their choices.

Care is taken to create a very happy, secure and stimulating indoor and outdoor environment for pupils –providing a warm atmosphere where children can evolve their communication and language skills, form and learn from new friendships and foster their curiosity and enthusiasm for learning.

Children learn at different paces with Nursery pupils receiving a high level of one-to-one support and encouragement. Guided by the Early Years Foundation’s Seven Areas of Learning, Nursery’s curriculum offers a varied programme of learning through play, exploration and most importantly committing to “having a go”, with staff providing all the support and encouragement necessary at this vitally important foundation stage of a child’s learning journey.

Nursery Staff

Miss Clark

  • Kindergarten Class Teacher  

Mr Woodward

  • EYFS Lead  

Mrs Collins

  • EYFS Teaching Assistant  

Mrs Cartwright

  • EYFS Teaching Assistant  